Tag Archives: credit reports

Mortgage Lenders Will see price increases from 10% to 400%

To piggyback on our last blog, a statement from the National Consumer Reporting Association (NCRA) sounded the alarm of sharp price increases for purchasing credit reports. The surprising fact to me is the vast discrepancies in who is charged and at what percentage the charges will increase. The NCRA stated, “the vast majority of mortgage […]

When The Chips Fall: Gambling Addiction and Credit Scores

Credit and Gambling

When The Chips Fall: Gambling Addiction and Credit Scores As luck would have it, gambling and debt go hand in hand! So what if your hand falls short? Nearly 23 millions Americans lose and fall into debt- losing an estimated $55,000. What happens when you’ve run out of cash and all stashes have hit zero? […]

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Student Loans

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Student Loans The price for higher education is rising, as is the numbers on student loan debt. What is deemed necessary to be successful in today’s world, is also what is holding many folks back from financial freedom. While many are trying to get ahead in their lives, student debt […]

One Late Payment May Tank Your Credit Score! – Credit Law Center

Late Payment

You may be one who pays all your bills on time every month, but maybe you had a financial emergency or even an oversight that caused you to pay one late payment. If you miss a payment on one of your credit cards, mortgage or any other loan, you could see a drastic drop in […]

Is Now the Right Time for Credit Repair? – Credit Law Center

Credit Repair

A significant factor in the credit repair process is determining if you are ready to commit to the lifestyle changes that are required to make it successful. Becoming creditworthy doesn’t happen overnight, and there is no magic formula to increase immediately. Each credit scoring model comes with its unique algorithm that will vary depending on […]