Monthly Archives: February 2018

What Credit Law Center Did For My Credit Scores

Credit Law Center Testimony:  My Mind Is Changed About Credit Repair Companies I am 48-years old and I can say I never knew much about credit and how the credit world worked. As far as I knew, I had always had okay credit scores. I quickly learned that was not the case and found myself […]

A Credit Rating, Not A Character Rating

The People Behind The Credit Score At Credit Law Center we fully believe in the people behind the credit scores. A company is only as good as its “Why” and what matters to us most, is our clients. We recognize that bad things happen to great people and wish to help improve individuals buying power, […]

The Elephant in the Room-Credit Repair

The Elephant in the Room The issue to which everyone is aware, but few want to talk about-credit repair companies. When you hear credit repair, what pops into your mind? You may have immediately rolled your eyes and scoffed at the phrase “credit repair!” Hey, we get it! You may be picturing someone holed up […]