Author Archives: John McCall

Looming Credit Crunch?

By now, many of you may have heard the buzz phrase “Credit Crunch.” This has been reported in the last few weeks on most all media outlets. Just the sound of that phrase is frightening in today’s economic environment. Interest rates are up, the cost of goods and services have risen, and many may see […]

Debt Collection Company Illegal Actions

Why choose a Law Firm for Credit Repair? The fact is, there are many Credit Repair Organizations operating in the US right now. There are many good companies out there that have the best interest for their clients at heart. Then again, there are many who don’t. To be perfectly honest, there is no reason […]

Financial Assistance for the Homebuying Process

Building Buying Power As the Spring months start peeking through, the home buying market is heating up! Have you been picturing the day when you can paint your own walls and mow your own grass? The dream of homeownership comes with great financial responsibility. Many first-time home buyers have questions about their down payment, and […]

Millennials- Why do they have the lowest Credit Scores?

What is a credit score? Most people would answer that this is how lenders see if you are able to receive a loan and at what interest rate. And that’s true. But really, it’s an algorithmic number telling a lender how likely a person is to default on a loan within the first 24 months. […]

Debt Consolidation! Is it the right choice for you?

Most all of us have heard of Debt consolidation. But is Debt Consolidation right for you? What type of debt consolidation should one choose? Is Debt Consolidation effective? What are some of the pitfalls of debt consolidation? Guess what, sometimes “life” happens and we need to utilize our credit cards out of necessity. A perfect […]