Tag Archives: interest

Am I A High Risk Borrower?│I Want To Buy, Now!

I Want To Buy, Now! Are you preparing to purchase a home in the next few months? It seems that when we are not looking, a home just pops up and finds us, at a time when we were not even contemplating making a move. Then, boom!  The rush is on to beat the clock […]

Am I A High Risk Borrower?│I Want To Buy, Now!

I Want To Buy, Now! Are you preparing to purchase a home in the next few months? It seems that when we are not looking, a home just pops up and finds us, at a time when we were not even contemplating making a move. Then, boom!  The rush is on to beat the clock […]

The New Word Is Yes│A Credit Card Company Ready To Work For You

student credit builidng

The New Word Is Yes Little to no credit history can make it hard or near impossible for students that are applying for student loans or other lines of credit to start progressing. Many institutions turn students away because they don’t already have credit established. But how can you establish credit, when you continue to […]

Saving Money At Closing Time│It Pays To Be Patient

Saving At Closing Time

Patience Pays Off While going through the home buying process, the word patience for most may be a sore subject. Between the pre-approval process, the home search and offer, it can become a stressful time. Not to mention if you get caught in a bidding war or the home you want has issues after inspection. […]