Tag Archives: student loans

Students Loans and Credit Scores

Student loans seem to be on almost everyone’s credit reports. They can positively impact your credit scores if you are consistent with your payments and aware of what is happening with your loan. As with any bill or loan you take out, it is extremely important to your credit score as well because it can […]

Am I A High Risk Borrower?│I Want To Buy, Now!

I Want To Buy, Now! Are you preparing to purchase a home in the next few months? It seems that when we are not looking, a home just pops up and finds us, at a time when we were not even contemplating making a move. Then, boom!  The rush is on to beat the clock […]

Am I A High Risk Borrower?│I Want To Buy, Now!

I Want To Buy, Now! Are you preparing to purchase a home in the next few months? It seems that when we are not looking, a home just pops up and finds us, at a time when we were not even contemplating making a move. Then, boom!  The rush is on to beat the clock […]

The New Word Is Yes│A Credit Card Company Ready To Work For You

student credit builidng

The New Word Is Yes Little to no credit history can make it hard or near impossible for students that are applying for student loans or other lines of credit to start progressing. Many institutions turn students away because they don’t already have credit established. But how can you establish credit, when you continue to […]

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Student Loans

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Student Loans The price for higher education is rising, as is the numbers on student loan debt. What is deemed necessary to be successful in today’s world, is also what is holding many folks back from financial freedom. While many are trying to get ahead in their lives, student debt […]

6 Tips to Financially Prepare Your New College Student – Credit Law Center

6 Tips to Financially Prepare your New College Student (1)

College Students all over the country are preparing to head to campus for their first semester. For many new college students, this will be the first time that they will be able to spread their wings, as well as their first shot at financial freedom. Children of any age rely on their parents for guidance […]