Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Credit Law Center

Merry Christmas from Credit Law Center

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Credit Law Center

Tis the season of giving and celebrating life. Credit Law Center would like to take a moment and thank all previous and current clients, referral partners, and employees for making Credit Law Center what it is today and giving us an opportunity to help you. At Credit Law Center we take pride in changing peoples lives, by helping clients repair their credit to get them automotive or mortgage ready.

We had a great 2016 because of our referral partners trusting us with their clients and have great reviews, we are happy to share.

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The After New Year Plan

We have a lot of exciting things planned for 2017. Credit Law Center is in the process of relocating to a bigger building in Lee’s Summit, due to growth. Credit Law Center and Credit Protection USA is preparing to release their very own Credit CRM, that has been years in the making. This new CRM is going to provide referral partners ROI and lead tracking.

Credit Law Center and Credit Protection USA are also scheduled to attend NADA, Digital Dealer, and PNC Summit in Dallas in the 1st and 2nd quarter of the year. We will be sending out RAS invites soon for some of our local events to our referral partners.

Thank you once again to all of our clients and our referral partners, who trusted Credit Law Center. Our staff wishes you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Contact:  1-800-994-3070

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