Tag Archives: loan approval

Having a High Credit Score Could Be The Golden Ticket to Credit

Credit Law Center- Golden Ticket

A Credit score is a three digit number that could potentially make or break you when it comes to obtaining credit. Having a number above 740 is like having the Golden Ticket to getting credit. Potential creditors look at your credit score to determine your risk. Your credit score is similar to a report card, […]

Struggling to Get a Mortgage or an Auto Loan?

The truth just ahead

In some of our previous post, you have heard about what Credit Law Center does for our clients. Such as not only credit repair, but also attorneys fighting for your consumer rights and why paying credit repairs companies a monthly fee is a terrible idea, when you can pay only if it goes away.

Don’t Get Discouraged! The Approval Process Is Never Easy.

We can help

Loan Approval Process The buying process can sometimes feel like a nightmare or like getting a tooth pulled. The headaches of getting proof of residency, proof of identification, proof of income and justifying your past and why your credit score is the way it is can be more stress than one can handle. Unfortunately this is the […]